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have a good trip - 例句 - 爱词霸 爱词霸英语句库为广大英语学习爱好者提供have a good trip的例句、have a good trip的翻译、have a good trip的例句翻译、have a good trip的短句翻译、have a ...
Have a good trip - Idioms and phrases - The Free Dictionary Definition of Have a good trip in the Idioms Dictionary. Have a good trip phrase. What does Have a good trip expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom ...
Wish you have a good travel ! - hsinging的創作- 巴哈姆特 Wish you have a good travel ! 作者:~P姊~小P~老師P~│2008-05-01 20:03:41│ 贊助:0│人氣:1375. 今天中午吃完午餐,因為天氣很熱,所以就帶孩子到靠近街道 ...
Did you have a good trip? - WordReference Forums and "I hope you had a good trip." Mi intento: "¿Lo pasaste bien el viaje?" y " Espero que lo pasaras bien el viaje." How about "How was your trip ...
Have a good trip! - WordReference Forums In English is would be perfectly fine to write "Have a good trip" to both of them, but I'm wondering if if I need to be more specific in Russian and ...
"Hope you had a nice way back" - WordReference Forums I wouldn't use either of these; they don't sound at all idiomatic to me. I would say "I hope you had a nice return journey", although I would ...
Bon voyage / have a good journey in many ... - Omniglot How to wish people a good or safe journey in many languages with recordings for some of them.
did you have a good trip? - Facebook When someone falls, saying " did you have a good trip?". 312 likes. LOL what a quality line :D :D.